Resilience Leadership
Research-Practice Partner: 21st Century California School Leadership Academy (Ongoing)
Lin, X.*, Yang, C., & Cheung, R. (2023). Professional support, efficacy beliefs, and compassion fatigue in principals during the COVID-19 pandemic. School Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/spq0000564
Yang, C., Rho, E.*, Lim, J.H.*, & Cheung, R. (under review). Principals’ compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction: A job demands and resources analysis during the post-pandemic recovery. Educational Administration Quarterly.
Stomski, M.*, Lin, X.*, Luo, H., Cheung, R., & Yang, C. (2022) Finding resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic perspectives from school leaders (Project Brief 1). Project brief for 21st Century California School Leadership Academy. (link)
Stomski, M.*, Lin, X.*, Luo, H., Cheung, R., & Yang, C. (2022) Finding resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic perspectives from school leaders (Project Brief 2). Project brief for 21st Century California School Leadership Academy. (link)
Yang, C. (2022, May). Principal Resilience: Supporting Principals during Challenging Times. 21CSLA Research-Practice Webinar (Virtual). (Recording)
Educator Resilience During COVID-19
Research-Practice Partner: Oakland Unified School District (Ongoing)
Yang, C., Greenstein, J.*, Stomski, M.*, & Lin, X.* (2020) Educator resilience: Stressors, compassion fatigue, and SEL competencies/support. Research Brief for Oakland Unified School District – UC Berkeley Research-Practice Partnership.
Yang, C., Greenstein, J.*, Stomski, M.*, & Lin, X.* (2020) Educator resilience: Online teaching efficacy, school connectedness and frequency of contact attempts. Research Brief for Oakland Unified School District – UC Berkeley Research-Practice Partnership.
Yang. C. & Greenstein, J.* (2021, April). Understanding and Promoting Educators’ Wellbeing and Resilience During COVID19 Pandemic. In Yang. C. (Chair). Finding resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives from different stakeholders in schools. [Symposium]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2021 Annual Meeting (Virtual)
Lin, X.*, & Yang, C. (2021, February). Predictors of adolescent well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Poster Session]. 2021 National Association School Psychologists Annual Convention (Virtual).
Stomski, M.*, & Yang, C. (2021, February). Educators’ online teaching efficacy during COVID-19 pandemic: Effects of demographics. [Poster Session]. 2021 National Association School Psychologists Annual Convention (Virtual).
Yang, C. (2021). Online teaching self-efficacy, social-emotional learning (SEL) competencies, and compassion fatigue among educators during the COVID-19 Pandemic. School Psychology Review. http://doi.org/10.1080/2372966X.2021.1903815
Yang, C., Manchanda, S.,* & Greenstein, J.* (2021). Educators’ Online Teaching Self-Efficacy and Compassion Fatigue During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Dual Roles of “Connect.” School Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1037/spq0000475
Yang, C., Greenstein, J.*, Manchanda, S.*, Golshirazi, M.*, & Yabiku, T.* (2021, in press). Preventing compassion fatigue among educators: An Educator Resiliency Study during the COVID-19 Pandemic. in Miller., T. (Eds). School Violence and Primary Prevention. New York, NY: Springer
Teacher Wellness Project
Research-Practice Partner: San Francisco Unified School District (Ongoing)
Yang, C. & Stomski, M.*, (2021). Understanding educators and school staff’s wellbeing in San Francisco Unified School District. Research Brief for San Francisco Unified School District – UC Berkeley Research-Practice Partnership.
Yang, C., Lin, X.*, & Stomski, M. *, (2021). First-year new teachers’ empowerment and silence. Research Brief for San Francisco Unified School District – UC Berkeley Research-Practice Partnership.
Lin, X.*, Stomski, M. *, & Yang, C. (2021). New teachers’ experience with social support and professional support. Research Brief for San Francisco Unified School District – UC Berkeley Research-Practice Partnership.
Yang, C. (2020, April). A multilevel analysis of novice educators’ self-efficacy, collective efficacy, and psychological wellbeing during the COVID-19 Pandemic. [Poster Presentation]. American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2021 Annual Meeting (Virtual)
ECO-Vitality Project: Social-Emotional Learning in School Gardens
Research-Practice Partner: Local Elementary Schools in Santa Barbara County (Completed)
In this project, we collaborated with Ecology Explore in Santa Barbara to integrate social-emotional learning activities with school gardening activities in local elementary schools in Santa Barbara County. The purpose of the project was to promote students’ social-emotional skills (e.g., self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness, responsible decision-making, and social skills) through a variety of school-based educational and mentoring activities.
Undergraduate students played a central role in this project. During each quarter, students received training and supervision on school-based social-emotional learning through the course CNCSP 197 Special Topics in Applied Psychology. They also worked directly with students in a local elementary school for 2-3 hours per week by collaborating with the garden educator to implement school-based social-emotional learning educational activities in school gardens.