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PHD Candidate

Joint Doctoral Program in Special Education

University of California, Berkeley | Graduate School of Education 

San Francisco State University | Graduate College of Education 


Sarah Manchanda is pursuing a Ph.D.  in Special Education in the Joint Doctoral Program between the University of California, Berkeley and San Francisco State University. Sarah graduated from the University of Southern California with a bachelor’s degree in Communication. She then taught for three years as a Special Education teacher in Washington D.C. Public Schools. After teaching, she spent two years working as a curriculum developer and coach for an NGO in Andhra Pradesh, India (the Rishi Valley Institute for Educational Resources).


Her current research interests include a) Peer victimization and bullying based on disability and race, b) Promoting the capacity of teachers and peer bystanders through investigating moral reasoning, and c) Critical pedagogy and moral education as interventions to address stigma-based bullying.


Risk, Resilience, and Culture Lab

University of Maryland, College Park

University of California, Berkeley

Copyright © Risk, Resilience, and Culture Lab

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