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Nursery School

Understanding and Improving
Trauma-informed Leadership and Teaching Practices in California's UPK implementation

Funding Source: Institute For Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE), UC Berkeley

Project Summary: This research plan is proposed with the goals to: 

(1) respond to the critical educational investment and reform of Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) policy in California; 

(2) to advance trauma research in the early childhood population; and

(3) to build stronger trauma-informed educational forcework in early childhood and K-12 systems.


The ultimate goal is to reduce educational inequality and mental health disparities for 4-year-olds who start UKP programs in k-12 settings and to create preschool through third grade (P-3) alignment to reduce their opportunity and achievement gaps and mental health disparities in k-12 settings.  



Yang, C., Rho, E.*, Dong. Q.*, Cheung, R.* (proposal accepted). A mixed-method analysis of the support systems and well-being of teachers as the early implementers of universal pre-kindergarten policy in California. Early Childhood Research Quarterly.


Dong. Q.*, Mayes, M.*, Lin, X.*, Kang, N.*, & Yang, C. (April, 2024). Trauma-informed practices in Transitional Kindergarten: A multiple case study exploring teachers' perspectives and implementation challenges. ​American Educational Research Association (AERA) 2024 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. 

(*Dr. Yang's Mentees & Advisees)

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