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2023 NASP Annual Conference in Denver


Updated: Apr 28, 2023

The RRC lab members were thrilled to attend the 2023 NASP Annual Conference held in Denver, after a long hiatus from in-person events due to the pandemic. The conference provided an excellent platform for our team to present their research, connect with other professionals in the field, and learn from peers. The experience was invigorating and rejuvenation, allowing us to deepen our knowledge and expand our perspectives!

Please see some snapshots from our memorable trip to Denver below.

Dong, Q.*, Stomski, M.*, & Yang, C. (Feb. 2023). Fostering AAPI educators' resilience during anti-Asian violence. [Paper Presentation]. National Association School Psychologists Annual (NASP) 2023 Annual Convention, Denver, CO.

Rho, E.*, Dong, Q.*, Yang, C. & Im, J.* (Feb. 2023). Egocentric network analysis: AAPI educators’ social support during anti-Asian violence. In Chieh (Chair). Supporting AAPI Community Coping with Anti-Asian Discrimination: Culturally Sensitive Approaches. [Symposium]. National Association School Psychologists (NASP) 2023 Annual Convention, Denver, CO.

Rho, E.*, Liu, B.*, Stomski, M.*, & Yang, C. (Feb. 2023). New teachers’ risk and resilience factors during COVID-19. [Poster]. National Association School Psychologists (NASP) 2023 Annual Convention, Denver, CO.

Stomski, M.* & Yang, C. (Feb. 2023). Asian immigrant Children’s attributions and adjustment to bullying victimization. [Poster]. National Association School Psychologists (NASP) 2023 Annual Convention, Denver, CO.

Greenstein, J.* & Yang, C. (Feb. 2023). Theoretical framework of resilience of children with specific learning disabilities. [Poster]. National Association School Psychologists (NASP) 2023 Annual Convention, Denver, CO.

Greenstein, J.* & Yang, C. (Feb. 2023). Feasibility of implementing a universal K-1 social-emotional learning intervention. [Poster]. National Association School Psychologists (NASP) 2023 Annual Convention, Denver, CO.

Dong, Q., Kim, J., & Pham, A. (Feb. 2023). Promoting transformative social-emotional learning for educators. [Paper presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists, Denver, CO.

Weigand, R., Dong, Q.*, & Griffiths, A. (Feb. 2023). Adolescent dating violence: Prevention and intervention using a multi-tiered approach. [Paper presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists, Denver, CO.

Tanaka, M. L., Yohannanm J., Baker, B. A., Lim, K., Parr, K. M., Robers, A. C., & Dong, Q.* (Feb. 2023). Examining and promoting socially just practices with everyday language. [Paper presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists, Denver, CO.

Yee. C. (Feb. 2023). Risk and resilience factors in Latinx immigrant youth social emotional wellbeing. [Paper Presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists, Denver, CO.

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