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Funding Source: UCSB Academic Senate Research Grant (2017-2019)


In this project, we collaborate with the Delaware Positive Behavior Support Project and use the Delaware state-wide dataset to examine the association between different forms of bullying victimization (i.e., social, physical, verbal, and cyber) and student engagement across students, parents, and teachers' perspectives. We also examine the moderating effects of school climate, social-emotional competencies, and cultural factors in the association between bullying victimization on student engagement. The aim of the project is to identify malleable factors that could be altered in school-wide prevention and intervention programs to alleviate the negative influences of traditional and cyber bullying victimization on students' social, behavioral, and cognitive engagement in schools.


Recent Publications

Yang, C., Sharkey, J. D., Reed, L., Chen, C*, & Dowdy, E. (2018). Bullying victimization and student engagement in Elementary, Middle, and High Schools: Moderating role of school climate. School Psychology Quarterly.33, 54-64. Doi: 10.1037/spq0000250


Yang, C., Sharkey, J., Chen, C.*, & Dowdy, E. (2018, Feb). Student engagement of bullying-victims: The moderating role of school climate, Poster presented at the 2018 National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. 


Chen, C.*, Yang, C. & Bear, G. (2018, Feb). The relationships between social-emotional competencies and bullying victimization. Poster presented at the 2018 National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Chicago, IL. 


Yang, C. & Chen, C.* (2018, Feb). Adolescents’ social and emotional competencies and cyberbullying

victimization: The protective role of school climate. Paper presented at the 2018 National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Chicago, IL


Ruiz, L. E. *, Chen, C. *, Yang, C. (2018, July). Perception of school climate: Differences between Asian American and other racial/ethnic groups from students and parents’ perspectives. Poster presented at the Asian American Psychological Association 2018 Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. 


Vo, R. *, Chen, C. *, Yang, C. (2018, July). Perception of bullying victimization: Differences between Asian American and other racial/ethnic groups from students and parents’ perspectives. Poster presented at the Asian American Psychological Association 2018 Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Risk, Resilience, and Culture Lab

University of Maryland, College Park

University of California, Berkeley

Copyright © Risk, Resilience, and Culture Lab

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